About US

About Us

We are a group of Certified Nutritionist and Professional Personal Trainer with

  1. Advanced Diploma in Nutrition 養營學高級文憑 (UK 英國)
  2. Diploma in Nutrition 養營學文憑 (HKUSpace)
  3. Certificate of Coaching Level 1 一級健身教練證書 (HKCBBA 中國香港健美總會)
  4. Certificate of Level 1 kids Fitness Coaching  (HKCBBA 中國香港健美總會)
  5. Certificate of Phyiscial Fitness Foundation 體適能證書 (PFAHK 香港體適能總會)
  6. Certified Fitness Coach (ISSA USA)
  7. Adult CPR & AED 成人心肺復甦法及自動體外心臟去纖維性顫動法證書 (Hong Kong St. John Ambulance)

We are what we are
We are what we eat, we are what we exercise.